
【職場英文懶人包】辦公室必學英語! 10個超實用企業用字!
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【職場英文懶人包】辦公室必學英語! 10個超實用企業用字!

2023 年 4 月 23 日


10 個超實用職場必備英文用語,讓你說起英文就像個道地母語人士!

你是否有曾嚮往過在外商工作,講著一口流利的商用英文?又或者總想聽懂影集裡那些辦公室人員的英文職場談話?今天幫大家準備 10 個超實用職場必備英文用語!不管身在本土企業或是外商公司,又或是你有書寫商業書信的需求,這些道地英文用法都會十分受益!不僅能為你的職場加分,甚至讓你說起英文就像個道地母語人士!

10 個超實用職場必備英文用語!

Let’s get the ball rolling. 開始著手行動/進行 = Let’s get started!

ex: I think this is a perfect plan. Lets’ get the ball rolling. (我覺得這個一個很棒的計畫,我們開始行動吧。)


to call the shots 作主(someone who makes the decision);做最後決定(發號施令) = to make the rules or take control

ex: Regarding your proposal, our CEO will call the shots. We will let you know ASAP. (關於你的提案,執行長會做最後的決定,我們會盡快通知您。)


(to stay)ahead of the curve 保持領先(於競爭對手)

ex: To stay ahead of the curve, we’ve been working on inventing the latest technologies to our products.(為了領先於競爭對手,我們致力於發明最新的技術至我們的產品。)


circle back 晚點討論

ex: We will circle back to what I have mentioned a few minutes ago later. I don’t want to deal with this right now.(我們晚點再來討問我剛幾分鐘前提到的。我現在不想處理。)


to bring somebody up to speed. (向某人)通報消息 = update somebody what’s going on

ex: Thank you for always bringing me up to speed so I know the most updated news. (謝謝你總是向我通報消息,好讓我我得知最新的訊息。)


keep someone in the loop. 隨時通知某人最新消息 = to keep someone updated/informed/posted

ex: Please take a good rest. I will keep you in the loop on the latest development with the project.(請好好休息,我會再讓您知道此專案最新進展。)


to cut corners 走捷徑、抄近路

ex: I have no choice but to cut corners to get this project done as fast as possible. (我別無選擇抄捷徑讓這個專案盡可能地早點完成。)


C-level 高層主管

💡高層管理人員職位皆以 C(Chief 首席)開頭,如 CEO(Chief Executive Officer 執行長)、CFO(Chief Financial Officer 財務長)、COO(Chief Operations Officer 營運長)等等

ex: Thanks for your email. I will report this proposal to our C-level executives.(謝謝你的來信,我會再向我們高層主管呈報此份提案。)


pain point 痛點

ex: Before getting the project started, you have to identify your customers’ pain points and create a product that could solve their problems.(在開始執行這個專案前,你必須要識別出顧客們的痛點,創建出可以解決他們問題的產品。)


action item 執行項目

ex: As a project manager, I have several action items which need to be taken care of in a week.(作為一位專案經理,我有數個執行項目要在一個禮拜內處理好。)



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