【職場英文懶人包】8 句「讓我知道」的英文說法!
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【職場英文懶人包】8 句「讓我知道」的英文說法!

2023 年 7 月 12 日


除了我們最常說的 “let me know” 之外,英文其實有不少替代表達方式。

「記得讓我知道」在英文書信的結尾裡很常使用到,往往會用來提醒對方記得回覆信件回報一下最新進度。除了我們最常說的 “let me know” 之外,英文其實有不少替代表達方式。

Let me know. 記得讓我知道。

Ex: Kindly let me know if you have any questions regarding the quotation and our products.

今天就來學學這 8 句「讓我知道」的英文說法,讓你在商用英文書信裡用字能更加多元,還能搞懂老闆到底想表達甚麼!

let me know  讓我知道 對話

Keep me informed. 記得隨時通知我(隨時向我知會一聲)

  • inform (v.) 通知
  • keep sb informed (on sth) .. 通知某人某事

Ex: Please keep me informed on your annual marketing planning.

Keep me posted. 隨時告訴我最新的情況

  • post (v.) 張貼
  • keep sb posted (on sth) ..讓某人知道最新的情報(不斷提供最新資訊)

Ex: I will ask my assistant to keep me posted on the sales while I am away on a business trip.

Keep me updated. 提供我最新消息

  • update (v.) 更新
  • keep sb updated (on/with sth) = update sb 向某人更新最新的消息

Ex: This case is rather urgent. Please keep me updated if you get any news from your development team.

Keep me in the know. 讓我知情(確保掌握不為人知的訊息)

  • keep sb in the know 向某人告知某事(不是每個人都知道的訊息)

Ex: Please keep me in the know if you hear anything from that company.

Keep me in the loop. 隨時讓我了解進展狀況

  • loop (n.) 圈;環
  • keep sb in the

Ex: No problem. I will keep you in the loop.

Keep me in the picture. 讓我知道一下事情的整體情況

  • picture (n.) 照片;圖像;局面(狀況)
  • keep/put sb in the picture 使某人了解(某事)整體詳情
  • out of the picture 不了解情況;不相干 (已經不再參與…故不知情的)(英式用法)

Ex: Just make sure you keep me in the picture about what’s going on about the product development.

Ex: I’ve been away for months ; therefore, I am quite out of the picture.

Notify me. 通知我一聲

  • notify (v.) 通知

比較一下 inform 跟 notify的差別 :

  • inform sb about/of sth … 告知某人某事 (一般事實陳述)
  • notify sb about/of sth … 通知某人某事(較正式嚴肅,用於重要事情)

Ex: Please notify me of the updated status of this customer complaint and the solutions you proposed.

Fill me in. 向我回報最新近況

  • fill (v.) 填滿;裝滿
  • fill sb in (on sth) 向…提供(某事)的近況

Ex: I actually don’t know enough about this project. Would you like to fill me in on the details?


「記得讓我知道」別說成 ”remember to tell me.” 一般來說比較少這麼說。今天就把這 8 句替換用語給學起來,下次寫商業書信回應客戶時也可以試著換個說法用用看囉。



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