【畫「說」俚語 Fun 輕鬆】#05 Get out of Hand 失去控制
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【畫「說」俚語 Fun 輕鬆】#05 Get out of Hand 失去控制

2023 年 10 月 30 日


Jennifer: Hey, Lulu. How was the party last night?
Lulu: At first, it was great.
Jennifer: Then what happened?
Lulu: Some guys started to fight, and then things really got out of hand.
Jennifer: Did your date do anything to protect you?
Lulu: No! He ran away as soon as the fight started.
Jennifer: In that case, you’re lucky. He sounds more like a frog than a prince.

珍妮佛: 嗨,露露。昨晚的派對怎麼樣?
 露露: 一開始還蠻好的。
珍妮佛: 之後發生了什麼事?
 露露: 有幾個傢伙打起架來,接著場面就失控了。
珍妮佛: 妳的男伴有做些什麼來保護妳嗎?
 露露: 才沒有!一有人開始打架他就落跑了。
珍妮佛: 那樣說來,妳可真幸運。他聽起來不像是白馬王子,反倒比較像卒仔。


hand 指『手』,get out of… 表『脫離⋯⋯』,因此就字面而言,get out of hand 可解釋為『脫離了手的掌控』,真正的意思則是指某事或某狀況『失控』。

阿花有天到阿雄家作客,阿雄想下廚露兩手討阿花歡心,但是他平日從不下廚,於是把整間廚房搞得一團亂,真糗啊!這時候我們就可以用 get out of hand 來形容他下廚的情形:

Things tend to get out of hand whenever he cooks.
= Things tend to get out of control whenever he cooks.

hand 還有下列實用俚語:

keep one’s hands off…  不干涉⋯⋯;別碰⋯⋯

Keep your hands off anything in the kitchen!(別碰廚房裡的任何東西!)

與 hand 有關的常見諺語如下:

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.



  1. party n. 派對 & vi. 開派對;吃喝玩樂
    throw sb a party  為某人開派對
    hold a party for sb
    例 : We’ll throw John a party for his birthday.
    They will party at Joe’s place on Friday night.
    The playful student does nothing but party all day.
  2. start vi. & vt. & n. 開始
    start 作名詞時,有下列片語:
    by fits and starts  斷斷續續地
    例 : You’ll get nowhere if you keep working by fits and starts.
  3. as soon as…  一⋯⋯就⋯⋯
    例: Mary put up her umbrella as soon as the rain started.
    (一下起雨來, 瑪麗就撐起了雨傘。)
    as soon as possible 則是指『儘快』,常縮寫為 ASAP。
    例 : Please write me back as soon as possible.
    = Please write me back ASAP.
  4. In this case,…  這樣的話,⋯⋯
    In that case,…  那樣的話,⋯⋯
    例 : In that case, we have to put off the meeting.
    in case of…   萬一⋯⋯;如果⋯⋯
    例 : In case of a fire, please don’t take the elevator.



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